How to get an advanced reader copy
I have sent The Silent Road out to the consensus that will tell me if I'm hitting the mark on this story or not. It's been copy edited but I'm sending it out to a group that will rip it apart and also proofread for any errors.
That might seem a little backwards, but my main goal is to get those final stragglers that offend proofreaders.
While I believe no book is perfect, I also know that spelling, grammar and punctuation can annoy readers and authors alike.
That might seem a little backwards, but my main goal is to get those final stragglers that offend proofreaders.
While I believe no book is perfect, I also know that spelling, grammar and punctuation can annoy readers and authors alike.
Get on Track for this ARC
If you are interested in reading The Silent Road in exchange for a review then get thy bad-self in my Very Important Readers group here --->>> s.n.mckibben-Have You had your Risqué Today?
Once you're in, you'll receive emails from me about sales, releases, projects I'm working on, and a few random stories about my gaming stuff.
My advanced reader copy programs system is easy. Once you review a book, you can get another of my authored books (either S.N. McKibben or Penn Scripter). 5 stars are what's going to help the book flourish but I also want real reviews.
If you want to dive more into The Silent Road, check out the other blogs but clicking the button below:
My advanced reader copy programs system is easy. Once you review a book, you can get another of my authored books (either S.N. McKibben or Penn Scripter). 5 stars are what's going to help the book flourish but I also want real reviews.
If you want to dive more into The Silent Road, check out the other blogs but clicking the button below:
Until next time...
...happy reading!
~ Stephy
...happy reading!
~ Stephy